Migrated Website is live

Thanks for your patience while we are transitioning to a new web platform. Most of the content has been transferred; however, we are currently working to migrate the software tutorials and downloads next week. However, you may search for the tutorials on the YouTube, since that is where they are hosted. Visit us at http://www.banksandbanksconsulting.com.


Migrating website to new platform

Please be patient while we migrate our site to a new lightweight, easy to navigate platform.

AEC Signature 2012

AEC Signature 2012 is on the Autodesk Exchange Store as a free download for AutoCAD 2012

AEC Table 2012

AEC Table 2012 available online at the Autodesk App Store at the following link. It is a free application and can be found here http://apps.exchange.autodesk.com


Open Source Project for Class library for AutoCAD.NET starting soon. Developers can add the library to their own projects.